This is the main page,

to go anywhere else use the dropdown menus

This site was created by Brian Beyer as part of an assignment for the computing sciences portal. There are 3 pages, this one, the about/interests page, and one that just hurts to look at.

This page is the main page, you might expect something more from a main page, a giant banner ad perhaps, or some sort of long paragraph detailing the rest of the site. Instead, i will drop an image.

^ Image is from my playthrough of NieR Replicant(Specifically the ver.1.22.474487139... edition which is a hybrid remake/remaster of the original Japanese release , Brought to the west for the first time) It is a spin off of one of the "joke" endings of Drakengard/Drag on Dragoon and has a sequel NieR: Automata which released in 2017
Due to localization the west originally received NieR: Gestalt, which replaces the protagonist (a young boy caring for his ill sister) with an older man who is caring for his ill daughter. There exists the "World of the recycled vessel" DLC, which was a series of combat challenges across various stages. Replicant players would play as the Gestalt protagonist during this, the inverse would be true for Gestalt players. The rerelease only allows playes to play as the Gestalt Protagonist.